2.6 The Pohlig-Hellman Algorithm

2.6 The Pohlig-Hellman Algorithm

In this section, a bit of further explanation concerning the workings of the Pohlig-Hellman

algorithm is provided. It is needed to be understood this algorithm because Pohlig-

Hellman attack is a serious attack which is based on mathematical views. The same

notation will be used as in the last section: p is prime, g is a primitive element in Z_p,

and h Є Z*_p. Our goal is to determine a = log_g h, where, without loss of generality,0≤a≤p-2.

From this,it is a simple matter to determine a_0.

The next step would be to compute a_1,a_2,... ,a_(e-1) (if e>1). These computations can

be done from a suitable generalization of Equation (2.1).
