Algebraic numbers and Fourier analysis (Heath mathematical monographs) by Raphaël Salem

"THIS SMALL BOOK contains, with but a few developments, the substance of the
lectures I gave in the fall of 1960 at Brandeis University at the invitation of its
Department of Mathematics.
Although some of the material contained in this book appears in the latest
edition of Zygmund's treatise, the subject matter covered here has never until
now been presented as a whole, and part of it has, in fact, appeared only in original
memoirs. This, together with the presentation of a number of problems which
remain unsolved, seems to justify a publication which, I hope, may be of some
value to research students. In order to facilitate the reading of the book, I have
included in an Appendix the definitions and the results (though elementary)
borrowed from algebra and from number theory.
I wish to express my thanks to Dr. Abram L. Sachar, President of Brandeis
University, and to the Department of Mathematics of the University for the invitation
which allowed me to present this subject before a learned audience, as
well as to Professor D. V. Widder, who has kindly suggested that I release my
manuscript for publication in the series of Heath Mathematical Monographs.
I am very grateful to Professor A. Zygmund and Professor J.-P. Kahane for
having read carefully the manuscript, and for having made very useful suggestions.
R. Salem
Paris, 1 November 1961"

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