Theorem 2.1.7 If a and b are positive integers with a>b, then gcd(a, b)=gcd(b, a mod b).
The Euclidean algorithm consists of performing the following sequence of divisions Then
the greatest common divisor will be
gcd(a, b)=gcd(b, r1)=gcd(r2,r1)=···= gcd(rn, 0) = rn.
Hence, it follows that gcd(a, b)=rn.
Theorem 2.1.8 The above algorithm has a running time of O ((ln n)^2) bit operations.
The Euclidean algorithm can be extended so that it not only yields the greatest common
divisor d of two integers a and b, but also integers x and y satisfying ax + by = d.
Theorem 2.1.9 Extended Euclidean algorithm has running time of O((ln n)2) bits op-
Since the Euclidean algorithm computes the greatest common divisors, it can be used
to determine if a positive integer a modulo n. However it does not compute the value of the multiplicative inverse.
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yorumlarınızın okunduğuna emin olun:) Erhan DUMAN